Freezing January

I could hardly believe it when I heard on the news that seventy six people had died on these streets in only three days. They could not survive at -25 deg. C, a record even for Romania which usually has cold winters. How can we help? That was the question in all our minds. What can we do for the families and individuals whom we know would be in trouble in such circumstances? We began by providing little blankets to the abandoned children in the hospital.
Not very far from the hospital is a family which lives in dire
circumstances - no heat - no light - no water. We tried to imagine what it must be like to live there. We were glad to be able to send them hot soup, food, warm blankets and jumpers. They were so grateful especially as there are children.
Roxana, our paralyzed orphan friend, rejoiced to receive a warm blanket, warm jumpers and food. She could then better endure the cruel, freezing days.
One day, early in the morning, we received a phone call from the family of eleven children, crying for help because their gas had been cut off therefore no heating. All were frozen - what to do? We acted
immediately, bringing them warm bedclothes, food and money to pay
for the gas and have the heating restored - indescribable joy for them and happy moments for us.
Visiting the family of four invalid orphan boys we realized that the single source of heating (the stove) was completely broken down. Next day we engaged a workman to build a new stove and it was such a joy to provide wood for that fire!
Even if it is so cold outside I was so surprised to see children begging in the street, and, when I say children, I mean 7 or 8 years old.
Unfortunately, we could only offer them warm hats and jumpers and
a little money, but they need much more!
In the Oncology Department, we met Mihai. He is an 18 year old boy with a very sad anxious face. This is understandable because one...
...of his legs will be amputated. Added to that, he told us he is coming from a very poor family which is not able to pay even the heating of the house. We were very impressed by this case and soon we helped them to pay the cost of heating. We then visited the family and provided food and clothes for the other four children. This family will remain on our permanent list of needy people, even if Mihai will not be with us.
Speaking of needy people, we have to remember our orphans or youth in need of our help to live or to study. Raluca, Alin, Florin are very good students and it is a privilege for us to help them in their education. Also in this period we provide for them with warm clothes, food and money to pay for heating. It is hard to live in Bucharest
without the support of parents.
We know Bunica (grandmother) for 14 years. She struggles to help her big family begging at the hospital gate and outside the church every weekend. Even in the coldest weather she comes with two grandchildren to get some food for other seven children remaining at home. We take them to a warm room and give them soup or tea plus sandwiches. We also make up parcels of food for them to take home. Warm clothes, blankets and money for fuel have been accepted by Bunica with tear-filled eyes... and we feel better!
Today we found out that Teodor and his brother will leave the hospital and go home in Vrancea one place with the lowest temperature in Romania. Teodor is a 16 year old boy who had a terrible accident and now is completely paralyzed. His story is one of the saddest stories I have ever heard. He had the accident working in the woods with his brother to make some money for his very poor family. We felt we must help this family to pass this so sad period by giving some money and food. And some warm blankets and clothes. At a special request from the doctors who were also impressed by this boy's story we provided a new wheelchair. This is not compensation but it is a good help for his ruined life.
Angela, Rosemarie, Mrs. Teodorescu and her son, Mrs. Tanase, Adrian's family and many others have been helped to pass this so cold January.

Every morning we see in front of the hospital or in front of the church
or simply in the street frozen older or younger men or ladies calling
for help. We try to do a little for everyone and the boxes full of good things sent by Sister Mary Therese are a very good support, we wish to do more... God help everyone in the street and so we pray for a warmer February.

Sister Mary Aloysius